Pete’s Crete has extensive knowledge and experience in all concrete products. Pouring footings and foundations for new homes makes up the majority of our business. We also pour a great deal of concrete in flat areas, including driveways, slabs for patios, sidewalks, and walkways. Pete’s Crete also offers extensive options for stamping patterns and coloring flat work concrete.

Footings and Foundations
Being the main part our business, our quality and efficiency pouring footings and foundations stands out. Footings are the first process in setting your foundations. Pete’s Crete uses Form-A-Drain, which is the latest technology for footing set up. This provides a proper drainage system for the base of your home. With the footings next comes the foundation set up process. For quick and reliable set up, Pete’s Crete uses the finest wall setting materials. We use aluminum wall forms with a smooth or brick-face design which will hold a solid good looking appearance. “If your foundations look good you feel good.” Now your home building experience can begin starting with the Pete’s Crete name.

Flat Work
Pete’s Crete provides concrete pouring for driveways, slabs for patios, sidewalks and walkways. Most flatwork projects can be set up and poured in the same day. We will come to your site and coordinate with you the home owner, to establish how your concrete project will be fulfilled. Pete’s Crete brings to you excellence, and professional advise for completing and satisfying all your concrete needs.

Decorative Concrete
Pete’s Crete offers an extensive array of decorative stamps and coloring for your new driveway, patio, or sidewalk. You pick out what pattern you want stamped into your concrete to give the appearance of brick, tile, stone, or decorative landscape block. We then use the latest tools and methods to give your new concrete a much classier appearance.

Pete’s Crete offers foundations with decorative or non-decorative flatwork packages. We will pour your wall foundations and include all your flatwork needs being basement floors, garage slabs, driveways, patios etc. With our foundation and flatwork packages, all your concrete needs will be fulfilled. From the ground up Pete’s Crete provides the base in completing your new home building experience.

We Are a Full Service Concrete Company
•Apply concrete finish, overlay, or coloring to existing concrete
•Deliver Liquid Concrete
•Install a Poured Concrete Wall
•Install a Retaining Wall
•Install a Stamped or Colored Concrete Wall
•Install Concrete Driveways & Floors
•Install Concrete Patios, Walks and Steps
•Install Concrete for Patios, Walks and Steps
•Install or Replace Landscape Curbing
•Install Stamped Concrete
•Level Concrete Slabs Using Injection Technology
•Pump Liquid Concrete
•Repair a Poured Concrete Wall
•Repair or Resurface Concrete Driveways, Patios, Walks & Floors
•Saw or Remove Concrete or Masonry
Do you need help with a concrete project? Fill out this form to get in touch.